About Me

Multipotentiality is the state of having many exceptional talents, any one or more of which could make for a great career for that person.

— Tamara Fisher, Education Week

Mari Leigh Scholes

Hi there! My name is Mari Leigh Scholes and you can proably tell just from the look of this website, I have MANY passions and pursuits of interest that seem entirely unrelated to one another. Ever since I can remember I’ve found it diffcult to answer questions like:

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

 “What do you want to do for a living?” 

Truth is, I have a variety of interests in many different subjects and activities that it feels stifiling to pigeon hole myself into just a singularly labled career. I fall on the spectrum of neurodiversity; my diagnonis being Attention Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) and although it did get me in trouble in school it has served me well into adulthood. It allows me to be adaptable and have the energy dedicate my time to where my skills can generate results AND rewards (all thanks to my Gemini Venus).

I feel most satisfied as well as most competent spreading my energy across different fields that I find engaging and fulfilling.  Learning new skills and exploring new areas for opportunity allows me to constantly grow and evolve as a professional AND a person.  To date, I have accumulated quite the diverse range of talents and areas of expertise from being a Puppeteer, a Blogger/Writer, a YouTuber, and an Astrologer. 

Now make no mistake I am NO jack of all trades, master of none.  I pride myself on continually nurturing my natural gifts where I’ve chosen to apply them.  I’m confident in the work I put out because it is genuine and comes from a place of authenticity.  Plus, there is always endless room for growth in all of my chosen pursuits.  Life is a journey and not a destination.     

Some might call me a dreamer or an idealist but I call it taking back my personal power in a patriarchal society by going against the grain of what is taught about work and career (get the one job that pays real well, stick to it, get a 401K, retire at 65).  Humans are multifacted anyway, so why box yourself into just one career path when your natural capabilites can be used for various avenues??? Just saying!!! 

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