Astrological Chart Readings

Natal Chart Reading

Also called a birth chart, this is where most people start their astrology journey. The start of their human life journey! This reading is based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the time of one’s birth. A natal chart reading is are great for pinpointing natural strengths and blind spots, finding a fulfilling life path, and looking to your past to help identify patterns keeping you stuck on your life’s journey.

This type of chart reading is based of the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets based on what is happening at the current time. The astrological positions at the time in question will be compared to your natal chart. These comparisons can shed light on where and how the current planetary alignments might be influencing you based on your astrological blueprint.

Please Do Not Reach Out For A Reading If You Are:

-Searching For Exact Answers

-Feeling Emotionally or Mentally Unstable and Not Seeking Help From a Qualified Mental Health Professional

-Looking to Excuse Bad Behavior of Yourself or Someone Else

Client Testimonials 

“Mari Leigh did a birth chart reading for me recently and I was blown away by her knowledge, not just of astrology, but of ME and what my birth chart revealed.  

I had an incredibly enlightening experience, but what truly stood out was her ability to translate my birth chart into meaningful insights about my life, dreams, and personality.  It helped me learn about myself in ways that I haven’t been exposed to before. Through this fun, enlightening and customized reading, I was able to see how I can get unstuck with pursuing my goals and embracing my life’s calling. 

Her customized approach not only clarified recurring patterns but also offered actionable guidance on how to overcome obstacles and pursue my goals with renewed confidence.  This session reinforced my belief in astrology as a powerful tool, one that even today’s most successful people rely on. 

I’m grateful for the clarity and direction Mari Leigh provided—truly a transformative experience.”

-Shannon M.

“Mari Leigh did a wonderful job completing and explaining my astrological chart. I was amazed by her knowledge and wisdom in describing how all the planets fall in my different houses and what that means for me. I am in a big transition in my life currently and Mari Leigh was able to answer my specific questions and highlighted relevant events in my chart.

I know that Mari Leigh is following her destiny path and aligning with her soul purpose doing this work and assisting other intuitives to find their own.”

Pam S.

Convinced there’s something to this astrology thing?

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